Reality-based drama, satire, farce,...... but with tenderness to all. Even to Thorpe. My favorite part is when his wife commented on his love letter: touched by the rare affection a man shows another man. A jewel, enjoyable in many small, surprising ways.
完爆free solo对没有接触过这项运动的观众非常友好既普及了F1的基本常识又提供了情感上的链接中韩歌会2012完整版因此十分抓人切入点也很好聚焦这项运动中的“非主流”群体比如force india西班牙赛车手二十岁的新秀三十岁还没拿过champion的讲述的是一个how underdogs drive to survive/strive to be topdogs的故事把这项赛事的残酷和温情都表现得淋漓尽致相信很多人看完会喜欢上这项运动最重要的是赛车手怎么都他妈这么帅PS 为什么没有上海站以及为什么亚洲人玩不了F1值得思考